Some of the most popular New Year's resolutions that people make are based on improving their health and fitness. As with all resolutions and goals they are easier said than done.
In this report you will discover some great tips for learning how to stay on track with your health goals and how to stay motivated. Plus I have included some great ideas for just how to go about this.
Thanks for reading and let me know if you have any questions.
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Introduction 2
Tips and Advice On Getting Healthy 4
Strength Training- What, When and How Much? 5
Strength Training Dangers To Watch Out For 7
Why You Need Cardio Workouts 8
Unique Ways to Lose Weight for the New Year 9
Tips and Advice On Getting Healthy
Life is a series of continued efforts or an ongoing process. And ongoing processes require energy. Sometimes, when we don't have enough energy, we start feeling tired and sluggish. Nothing will put you on the road to low energy levels faster than not living a healthy lifestyle.
You have no doubt reached a crossroads in your life where you recognize that it is time to make changes. It is important to remember that losing weight and getting fitter include both an mental and a physical effort. Living a mentally and physically healthy life is the most ideal way to live a happy life. There are many things that should be done to ensure that this kind of a healthy lifestyle is maintained. Take time and think about what you eat, your place of work, where you stay, what you do and other situations that affects you in your life. You will note that self discipline and self motivation are very crucial in having a daily rhythm in your life. Below are some great tips that will help you get healthy.
1. Do everything in moderation
Just as the saying goes too much of something is poisonous. Therefore, you need to ensure that you do everything in moderation. For example, eat the right amount of food, do not overwork, maintain your hobbies and ensure that you give the right amount of time to everything that you do.
2. Control your mind
What you think and how you apply your thoughts has a direct effect on your general well being. Avoid entertaining negative thoughts or feelings that might lead to stress. Remain optimistic even when you are faced with a lot of challenges in life. This will allow you remain motivated at all times, leading to a healthier lifestyle.
3. Eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly
It is good to note that you are what you eat. Good nutrition is great for your health because eating a well balanced diet makes your body strong and boosts its immunity to many diseases. Focus more on natural foods in your recipes to avoid the health problems related to artificial or processed foods, for example, diabetes, obesity and others. Try new foods too in order to make the meals interesting and fun. Exercises are key to a healthy lifestyle. In order to remain fit, your body requires regular workouts to boost your immune system, reduce stress or burn excess fats.
4. Attend regular medical checkups
Your body requires regular medical checkups to detect any health problems and to know the level of your health. Regular checkups are important because they make you recognize any health problem that you may have and highlight those that require medical attention. You can also get advice from your doctor on how to maintain good health in between your checkups.
Strength Training- What, When and How Much?
There are many activities that can be considered strength training and not all of them involve the use of lifting weights. Basically strength training is a type of balanced exercise that involves aerobic activity along with flexibility exercises.
Exercising helps to engage your body into increasing its metabolic processes thereby leading to the strengthening of your muscles. By participating in a diverse range of activities which include; running, jogging, riding a stationary bike your body muscles start to effectively consume oxygen. These activities additionally benefit you by strengthening your heart and your lungs. One of the most popular means of strength training is by using weights. This also helps to incorporate resistance into your training methods. This works due to the use of your muscles working against the extra pounds of the weights. In turn this
weight bearing activity helps to increase the amount of muscle mass in your body, because you are making your muscles work much harder. If you do decide to use weights there are basically two types, free weights and the use of weight machines. The free weights are meant to work a group of muscles simultaneously while the weight machines are designed to work on a specific muscle.
A gym is a very convenient place to participate in strength training. Most of the gyms have normally set up their weight rooms in a circuit manner. This is actually extremely beneficial as it helps you strength many different groups of muscles in one training session
Rather than going to the gym, you can use resistance bands and more simply, your own body weight. This would involve doing push-ups, sit-up, chin-ups, and even body weight squats. This is especially a great way to begin strength training, as it involves minimal resources.
Getting Started
This type of training is largely about strengthening your muscles. In case you are a male past the puberty stage, your body will be capable of producing the necessary hormones to aid in building muscles as a result of the exercise. In the case you have not yet reached puberty, or you are a female, you’ll become stronger although the muscles may not be showing as much. Your body will still be firm and toned.
Training will be at least every other day or three times a week depending on the kind of intense program you want to follow. The repetitions with each group of muscles will start low and build up as you build strength. There is no overnight way to build muscle strength so build slowly and work out often.
Before you any exercise regimen, it is of paramount importance that you are checked out by a doctor. This will ensure that you are fit to lift weights as well as reduce the possibility of injury. Further, in order to reduce the risk of injury, it is essential that you
learn the proper techniques of lifting weights as well as acquire the necessary supervision.
Strength Training Dangers To Watch Out For
Cardio is without a doubt the best, and fastest way to lose weight, but muscle burns fat, and so strength training should not be ignored.
Strength training is critical to attaining an exercise routine that is well balanced. It includes some aerobic activities, like swimming, which exercises every muscle in the body and is a healthy dose of cardio at the same time.
Aerobics such as running or the use of a stationary bike, are important because they make your muscles use oxygen efficiently as well as strengthening your lungs and heart. Plus they do offer some 'strength training' as well. However, when most people think about strength training, they are thinking about weight lifting.
Additionally, it is important to learn appropriate techniques and also be given the necessary amount of supervision. Without a trainer to teach you appropriate 'form,' you risk doing things like letting momentum take over, which can quickly lead to injury.
If you are just starting out, work into it slowly because it is something your body is not used to. This means that you will be using muscles that you have never used in your entire life and therefore putting excessive strain on the muscles which could lead to severe injuries.
Upon reaching advanced stages of weight lifting, it is of utmost importance that you do so with adequate supervision. Regardless of how confident you may be of your abilities, accidents do happen and you could drop a weight on yourself. If there is no one close to help you, it could lead to serious injuries or even worse. Therefore, avoid lifting heavy weights without an experienced spotter.
Another common danger that many people are not aware of is that weightlifting is not advisable for people belonging to a certain age. When you are way too young,
your body lacks the necessary strength to accommodate weight lifting. This can greatly inhibit growth of bones due to the pressure put on them during weight lifting.
Therefore, if you are younger than 17 years of age, you should not lift weights until you check with your doctor. Then you want to seek out professional guidance on how to build muscle slowly and without overdoing it and risking injury. Especially injuries that could have long term or even lifelong negative effects.
Another danger of strength training is dehydration from not drinking plenty of fluids. Dehydration can not only inhibit your training, but could even result in hospitalization. Always, always, always drink plenty of fluids... even if you aren't training. And at least twice as much if you are.
If you take care of your body it will not fail as quickly when pushed to its limits in training. Take care of your body and your body will take care of you.
Why You Need Cardio Workouts
It is obvious that health is amongst the most precious assets in a person’s life. Having a lot of money, a good social status and a successful profession are all worthless without proper health. As the proverb goes, health might not be everything, however, without health, all things are nothing.
One way to get healthy and to stay healthy is to include cardio exercises in your lifestyle. This includes eating a balanced diet which consists of lots of fresh fruits, vegetables and lean sources of protein.
It is essential to get in cardio workouts to keep your body fit and healthy. Exercise helps to improve your heart healthy by pumping blood more efficiently through your body. This in turn, helps nutrients and oxygen to be transported through your body, all of which leads to good health.
Other health benefits which has been proven by research shows that regular cardio workouts can help reduce your risks of getting all sorts of diseases including; heart disease, depression, and some cancers.
Of course, if you are looking to lose weight then regular cardio workouts are a huge factor. When you exercise regularly your metabolism rate increases and this helps your body burn fat and calories more effectively. Reducing your body fat also helps reduce your risk of health related diseases and conditions.
Cardio workouts entail all activities that require the use of large muscle groups inside the body in an uninterrupted and consistent way. Some of the common cardio activities include walking, running, aerobics, cycling, martial arts, swimming and dancing. Any of these will raise your heart rate.
Do not limit yourself to only one activity type since exercising is always meant to be enjoyable, not monotonous and boring.
You should always try to spice it up every now and again. For optimal cardio wellness, it is advisable to execute at least 30 to 45 minutes of training for approximately 3 or 4 times, on a weekly basis. However, be cautious not to do too much of it because research has shown that overdone cardio workouts can really harm the heart. Besides, extreme exercises leads to structure damage and scarring of the heart muscles.
As you do usual cardio exercises, your stamina and strength for several other activities also increases.
This may help in keeping you active and going as you become old. It is never too late to begin working out. Just constantly remember to stick to it and be consistent once you make a start on it. This is the best way that cardio workouts will benefit your health and body over time.
Unique Ways to Lose Weight for the New Year
You can't turn on a television, go to the bookstore, or walk 10 feet down a busy city street without someone telling you how to lose weight. Yet, with all this valuable advice, America ranks number one in obesity totals around the world. So, why is it with everyone from Dr.Oz to Oprah telling us how we can get thinner, do we still suffer from weight related illnesses and trend towards only getting worse?
In one word...diets. Dieting is by far, the worst way to try to lose weight that we humans have ever invented. It is how others make money. You buy the books, DVDs and special foods, yet the pounds still don’t melt off.
I know that sounds counter intuitive, but think about where dieting has lead us in the past 30 years. When you diet you make a decisive plan to give up certain foods and with most diets you are limited to eating only the foods recommended by that author, remember the Cabbage Diet? As a species, humans must observe a well rounded and varied diet, we are omnivore's, we must have different kinds of food and limiting our metabolisms is a sure way to spell disaster.
So I want to suggest a novel approach to losing weight for the new year. It's kind of a novel idea and it has just two requirements. The first, reduce what you eat already, to smaller portions and take a walk three times a week.
Now I realize I will never get rich off of this idea, because it's not really an idea, it's what most dieticians recommend for a quick way to begin the weight loss process. If we just reduce the amount we eat of the foods we already like, we are more likely to continue the diet past the first month. If you enjoy pizza for dinner, don't quit eating pizza, just don't eat so much. if you can reduce the amount of food you intake by half and increase the amount of calories you burn by one-third, you will lose weight. How do I know? I have done exactly that. I have lost 15 pounds in 3 months, just by eating 2 pieces of pizza, instead of four and walking for 45 minutes 3-5 times a week.
The second part of this mind blowing plan, is to exercise for 30 to 45 minutes 3-5 times a week. Now, if I'm going to lose you it will be here, but trust me, as you start to eat less, you will have more energy to go out and walk around the block a few times.
That's it, that's the big secret to weight loss and staying with it. Eat less of what you like, by half and exercise more by a third. Try it and see if it isn't the best diet plan since the Atkins Diet, and you will most likely not lose $30 and the will to ever eat steak.